Aperitivo scientifico | What a Sun!


27 Mar 25

Thursday 27 March '25





Aperitivo scientifico / Che Sole che fa
with Silvano Fineschi and Mariarita Murabito
Moderated by Alberto Vecchiato and Caterina Boccato

Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 6:00 PM
Snodo | OGR Torino

An event by OGR Torino and INAF, in collaboration with Pleiadi. This event is part of the program created for the Time Machines exhibition.

Free admission


Che Sole che fa explores the fascinating topic of the study of the Sun, the star closest to us. Speakers Silvano Fineschi and Mariarita Murabito will guide the audience on a journey through the discoveries that have shaped our understanding of our star, from Galileo’s first observations to modern explorations with space probes. The event will also address the possibility of making predictions about "space weather" and how solar activity affects our planet. This is a unique opportunity to discover how science is tackling one of the most important and mysterious phenomena in our solar system: the Sun and its impact on Earth.

The talk will focus on the evolution of solar research, exploring space missions and modern techniques for studying the star that gives us life. Technological and scientific advancements are enabling us to gain a deeper understanding, yet many discoveries are still to be made.


Silvano Fineschi has over 30 years of experience in the field of space instrumentation for studying the Sun. He served as the director of the Astrophysical Observatory of Turin until 2023 and has been involved in major solar missions such as the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the Solar Orbiter. His research has taken him to participate in observing campaigns in Antarctica and the launch of telescopes on sounding rockets. He is currently involved in the PROBA-3 mission, which creates an artificial eclipse to study the solar corona.

Mariarita Murabito is a young researcher at the Astronomical Observatory of Rome, working with the Space Science Data Center of ASI. Her research focuses on the solar lower atmosphere, the photosphere, and the chromosphere, studying the physical processes behind the birth and death of sunspots. She has conducted observational activities with telescopes in the Canary Islands and the United States.