Giovanna Pancheri, Giovanni Diamanti and Lorenzo Pregliasco for OGR Talks
Giovanna Pancheri, Giovanni Diamanti and Lorenzo Pregliasco for OGR Talks
Harris or Trump?
USA 2024: numbers, scenarios, strategies
Friday 4 October 2024, H 21
Binario 3 | OGR Torino
in collaboration with Youtrend on the occasion of Election Days
Free entrance, reservations available
Will Kamala Harris or Donald Trump win? What strategies are the two candidates following? And who is leading in key states?
The most important election of the year is undoubtedly the one in the United States, where on 5 November it will be decided who will sit in the Oval Office of the White House for the next four years. A challenge between two opposing visions of America: on the one hand there is Kamala Harris, who after four years as Joe Biden's deputy is running to become the first woman president of the United States, and on the other there is Donald Trump, already president between 2016 and 2020 and running for the third time as the candidate of the Republican Party.
On 4 October at 9 pm in Binario 3 of OGR Torino, one month before the vote, we will discuss it with Giovanna Pancheri, former US correspondent for Sky TG24, and the co-founders of Youtrend Lorenzo Pregliasco and Giovanni Diamanti.
The event is part of OGR Talks, the series of meetings dedicated to contemporary culture at OGR Torino, and Election Days, Youtrend's annual workshop on political communication.
Journalist, correspondent and anchor for Sky TG24 since 2005, she was correspondent from Brussels from 2009 to 2016 and from New York from 2016 to 2021. Today she is at the helm of Start, the main in-depth political programme of Sky Italia's all-news channel. He wrote ‘Il buio su Parigi. Oltre la cronaca nei giorni del terrore' (Rubbettino, 2017), ‘Rinascita americana. La nazione di Donald Trump e la sfida di Joe Biden’ (Sem, 2021) and ‘L’impero americano. Storia della politica estera USA da Panama all’Ucraina’ (Solferino, 2023).
A political strategist, he is co-founder of Youtrend and teaches at the University of Padua. He has devised communication strategies and overseen election campaigns for important Italian political figures. A columnist for ‘Il Messaggero’, he has published five essays: the latest are ‘I segreti dell’urna. Storie, strategie e passi falsi delle campagne elettorali' (Utet, 2020) and ‘Il candidato vincente. Le campagne elettorali che hanno cambiato il mondo’ (Utet, 2021).
An expert in public opinion and political communication, he is co-founder of Youtrend and teaches at the University of Bologna. He has managed research, strategy and communication projects for candidates, institutions, representative organisations and companies. His analyses appear regularly on Sky TG24, La7, RAI and major international media. He is the author of the podcast ‘Qui si fa l'Italia’ and his latest books are ‘Benedetti sondaggi’ (ADD Editore, 2022) and ‘Il paese che siamo’ (Mondadori, 2023).