Maschiocrazia for OGR Talks


24 Jan 25

Friday 24 January '25

Maschiocrazia for OGR Talks

Emanuela Griglié and Guido Romeo
in dialogue with Francesco Rigatelli

Friday 24 January 2025, 6.30 PM
Mezzanino | OGR Torino

in collaboration with Codice Edizioni

Free admission, reservations available

At a time when girl power has become a hashtag and when women, having taken power, often act not much differently from their male predecessors, is it really possible to talk about new, more inclusive and balanced models? Or are we in danger of falling into the trap of a “maleocracy” in disguise, where patriarchy reinvents itself and persists, even when women are at the top?

The advance of gender equality is not all propaganda - from 2006 to 2022 the average share of women parliamentarians in the world rose from 14.9 percent to 22.9 percent, and the number of female ministers almost doubled - but one cannot talk about change without questioning power, and Italy on this is now a laboratory everyone is looking to.

For OGR Talks, on January 24, 6.30 pm Emanuela Griglié and Guido Romeo, in dialogue with Francesco Rigatelli, take us straight to the heart of this reflection in their book Maschiocrazia, with which through data, scientific research, recent news and interviews (with Roberta Metsola, Kaja Kallas, Vera Gheno and many others) they photograph an epochal mutation, revealing a complex picture.

Journalist, writes for La Stampa where she mainly covers digital culture and gender issues. She has worked many years as current affairs editor for Vogue and L'Uomo Vogue, producing interviews with personalities and articles on issues of society and culture. He previously wrote for Italia Oggi, Il Mondo, and was part of the team that created and launched City, Rizzoli-Corriere della Sera's first Italian free press.

Journalist and author, he covers innovation systems, digital economy and precision journalism. He specializes in innovation, access to information and business communication. He has received awards in Italy and abroad. He is the author of Per Soli Uomini, data machismo from research to design (Codice Edizioni 2021) and Silenzi di Stato, storie di trasparenza negata e di cittadini che non si arrendono (Chiarelettere 2016). He has written for Il Sole24Ore, Prima Comunicazione, Vogue, and Wired and has been a lecturer on data journalism, digital journalism, and access to information at IULM, at the Sole24Ore Business School, at SISSA in Trieste, and in courses recognized by the Order of Journalists.


  • Access to the hall with reservation will be possible from 6 PM and is guaranteed until 6.30 PM, after this time the seat may be reassigned.

  • Those with waitlist tickets will be able to join the queue in a dedicated lane. Holders of this type of ticket will be allowed access to the hall only if there are still seats available after the entry of the reserved people has ended. Access will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • It will be possible to book for a maximum of two people. Upon completion of the form, the “You're almost there!” screen will appear. At this point, each of the two email addresses indicated will receive an email useful for confirming the reservation.

  • The reservation will be valid if and only if it is confirmed and you will receive the QR code useful for access. Until each of the users has confirmed through the appropriate email, the place will remain free and bookable.

  • If the confirmation is not done in time, the seat will be reassigned and the user will go to the waiting list. Therefore, it is recommended to finish the whole process as soon as possible in order not to lose the acquired place.