Maurizio de Giovanni for OGR Talks
Maurizio de Giovanni for OGR Talks
presents the novel L'antico amore
with music by Marco Zurzolo and Giacinto Piracci
and performances by Marianita Carfora, Alfredo Mundo, and Alessio Sica
Tuesday 18 March 2025, 9 PM
Binario 3 | OGR Torino
An event by OGR Torino and Mondadori
- Free admission, reservations available -
L'antico amore will be available for purchase during the event, with a book signing at the end.
On Tuesday, March 18, at 9 PM, Maurizio de Giovanni will be the protagonist of OGR Talks at OGR Torino to present L'antico amore, his latest novel, which marks a turning point in his literary journey. Mystery gives way to a love that that spans time, defying the barriers of the present, the past and an even more remote time, full of immortal echoes. A feeling that is strength and fragility, passion and torment, and becomes an eternal bond.
With two different narrative lines, de Giovanni recounts the passion of Catullus and the life of an elderly literature professor who experienced an overwhelming love that sealed his destiny. Through a journey between desire and pain, the story makes us reflect on how much love succeeds in defining our existence, even when it seems to break all limits.
Maurizio de Giovanni is one of the most renowned contemporary Italian writers, author of the famous series featuring Commissioner Ricciardi. He has also written numerous other novels, such as I bastardi di Pizzofalcone and L’equazione del cuore. With his unmistakable style, De Giovanni has explored themes ranging from noir to passion, creating worlds filled with deep emotions.
- Access to the hall with reservation will be possible from 8.30 PM and is guaranteed until 9 PM, after this time the seat may be reassigned.
- Those with waitlist tickets will be able to join the queue in a dedicated lane. Holders of this type of ticket will be allowed access to the hall only if there are still seats available after the entry of the reserved people has ended. Access will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
- At the event, it will be possible to purchase the book L’antico amore.
- At the end of the event, if in possession of a copy of the book, it will be possible to participate in the book signing.
- It will be possible to book for a maximum of two people. Upon completion of the form, the “You're almost there!” screen will appear. At this point, each of the two email addresses indicated will receive an email useful for confirming the reservation.
- The reservation will be valid if and only if it is confirmed and you will receive the QR code useful for access. Until each of the users has confirmed through the appropriate email, the place will remain free and bookable.
- If the confirmation is not done in time, the seat will be reassigned and the user will go to the waiting list. Therefore, it is recommended to finish the whole process as soon as possible in order not to lose the acquired place.