Vera Gheno and Murubutu @OGR Talks


13 Apr 23

Thursday 13 April '23




Binario 3

OGR Talks | Tonight's the Day
@OGR Torino

Vera Gheno and Murubutu for OGR Talks
with Beniamino Pagliaro

Thursday, April 13, 2023, 6:30 pm
Binario 3 | OGR Torino

Free admission, reservations available

On April 13 at 6:30 p.m., OGR Torino Binario 3 hosts Vera Gheno, essayist, Italian translator, and sociolinguist specializing in communication, in dialogue with Murubutu, stage name of Alessio Mariani, rapper, songwriter, and lecturer.

OGR Talks | Tonight's the Day
Tonight's the Day sings the band Wilko, the day is tinged with black, and stars sprout in the midday sky: it is the eclipse that, cyclical, revolutionary and mysterious accompanies the history of humankind symbolizing the overturning of everyday beliefs. OGR Talks is evolving: new points of view, inspiration, sharing, and growth.
Contemporary and limitless, OGR Talks is more than a schedule of events, more than a calendar of lectures. It is an invitation to open ourselves to new perspectives and knowledge, accompanied by artists, journalists, philosophers, and authors ready to share their reflections on the era we live in today. An original program curated by OGR Torino together with communicators, visionaries, and innovators from every field. Open and flexible towards a common goal: understand, dialogue and, together, reach farther and farther.