Alessandro Barbero @OGR Talks
presents the new novel Brick for stone
with Martino Gozzi
An event by OGR Torino, laFeltrinelli and Sellerio
Monday, March 27, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
Sala Fucine | OGR Torino
Free admission, reservations available
Alessandro Barbero will be the featured speaker at an upcoming OGR Talks event. On March 27, at 6:30 p.m., on the stage of the Sala Fucine at OGR Torino, the writer and historian presents his latest novel, Brick for stone.
In this book, set to be released on March 21st by Sellerio, Barbero challenges the traditional approach of historians by using the real-life event of the fall of the Twin Towers as a starting point to create - with absolute, unabashed freedom - entirely new characters and situations, blurring the lines between tragedy and farce and incorporating the most shameless literary invention into reality.
Born in Turin in 1959, he is a full professor at the University of Eastern Piedmont in Vercelli where he teaches medieval and military history. He has published, among other things, books on Charlemagne, the barbarian invasions, the Battle of Waterloo, and the recent Lepanto. La battaglia dei tre imperi (2010). He is the author of several historical novels, including: Bella vita e guerre altrui di Mr. Pyle gentiluomo (1996 Premio Strega) and Gli occhi di Venezia (2011). Sellerio has published Federico il Grande (2007, 2017), Il divano di Istanbul (2011, 2015), Alabama (2021), Poeta al comando (2022) and Brick for Stone (2023).
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