OGR Talks | Tonight's the Day
OGR Torino welcomes back OGR Talks
4 October 2024 | Giovanna Pancheri, Giovanni Diamanti and Lorenzo Pregliasco for OGR Talks
present Harris o Trump? USA 2024: numeri, scenari, strategie
14 June 2024 | Diletta Huyskes
presents the book Tecnologia della rivoluzione: Progresso e battaglie sociali dal microonde all'intelligenza artificiale
in conversation with Alessandro Vespignani
07 June 2024 | Massimo Osanna
presents the book Mondo nuovo. Viaggio alle origini della Magna Grecia
04 June 2024 | Gianluca Gotto
presents the book Quando inizia la felicità
15 March 2024 | Francesco Costa
presents the book Frontiera
13 February 2024 | Valentina Mastroianni
presents the book La storia di Cesare. Scegliere a occhi chiusi la felicità
12 February 2024 | Presentation of Materia, le parole - Rizzoli
with Marco Mengoni, Martino Gozzi and Lorenza Ghinelli
27 November 2023 | Mario Calabresi
presents A occhi aperti, the new updated edition of the book dedicated to the best contemporary photographers
12 November 2023 | Alessandro Barbero
presents the new book All'arme! All'arme! I priori fanno carne!
in conversation with Marco Zatterin, vice-director of La Stampa
an event of OGR Torino in collaboration with Editori Laterza
06 November 2023 | Paolo Cognetti
presents his new book Giù nella valle, Einaudi, in conversation with Luciana Littizzetto
an event by OGR Torino and Giulio Einaudi editore, in synergy with Fondazione Circolo dei lettori
27 October 2023 | Giulia Lamarca, Danilo Ragona and Luca Trapanese
October 10, 2023 | Jeffery Deaver in conversation with Stefano Nazzi
presents his new thriller published by Rizzoli Hunting Time
Past events:
October 03, 2023 | Donato Tramuto in conversation with Massimo Lapucci
An event in collaboration with RFK Human Rights Italy and TramutoPorter Foundation
September 22, 2023 | Giovanni Minoli e Lorenzo Pregliasco
Passato e presente. Divulgare la storia per (ri)conoscere il contemporaneo
June 28, 2023 | ASTEROID DAY @OGR Talks
in collaboration with PRISMA, coordinated by INAF and supported by Fondazione CRT
June 8, 2023 H 6:30 PM @Binario 3 | Gio Evan
in collaboration with Archivissima
March 27, 2023 h 6:30 pm @Binario 3 | Alessandro Barbero
April 13, 2023 H 6:30 pm @Binario 3 | Vera Gheno in dialogue with Murubutu
February 24, 2023 H 6:30 pm @Binario 3 | Michela Murgia
Educazione sentimentale coreana Imparare qualcosa dai K-Drama
February 21, 2023 H 18.30 @Binario 3 | Vera Politkovskaya
in collaboration with Rizzoli Libri
Feb. 21 at
OGR Torino,
OGR Talks will be back with a series of meetings on
contemporary culture.
Vera Politkovskaya will open the 2023 calendar, followed by
Michela Murgia on Feb. 24; and April 13 will be
Vera Gheno and Murubutu’s turn.
Hang tight, OGR Talks’ calendar of events is constantly updated.
2022 was the year devoted to the small and large evolutions and revolutions of our time, 2023 turns to the
relationship and connections between systems and
languages, between
stories and
people. Chaperoned as the moon and sun dance between night and day, the second season of OGR Talks borrows the title of a song -
Tonight's the day - by Chicago rock band
Like an eclipse, cyclical and mysterious, OGR Talks is an invitation to
seize the moment, the one in which light becomes dark and vice versa, the one in which the present takes shape, as we listen to the stories of the invited speakers.
From the breathtaking tale of a daughter in search of truth, to the discovery of seemingly distant worlds, to the captivating insights on language and society, OGR Talks never fails to tap into some of the most pressing topics of our time.
OGR Talks begins Tuesday,
Feb. 21 at 6:30 pm, with
Vera Politkovskaya, who will present on Binario 3 at OGR Torino, her latest book published by Rizzoli
UNA MADRE. La vita e la passione per la verità di Anna Politkovskaja. Written in collaboration with
Sara Giudice, Vera Politkovskaya recounts the life and struggles for press freedom of her mother, Anna Politkovskaya, the prominent investigative journalist for the Russian newspaper
Novaya Gazeta, murdered in 2006. Vera Politkovskaya, author, journalist, and Russia’s new symbol of freedom of expression, has experienced all the slowness and ambiguities of the Russian justice system on her own skin and, above all, has struggled to keep her mother's message alive: "be brave and always call things by their name, including dictators."
A few days later, on
Wednesday, Feb. 24, once again on the stage of OGR's Binario 3, the second star of OGR Talks,
Michela Murgia, will hold her lecture titled
Educazione sentimentale coreana Imparare qualcosa dai K-Drama.On
April 13, Vera Gheno, essayist, Italian translator, and sociolinguist specializing in communication, is expected to speak with
Murubutu, pseudonym of Alessio Mariani, rapper, songwriter, and lecturer.
Protagonists of the past 2022 edition of OGR Talks were influential voices from the national scene - philosophers and thinkers, writers and musicians, creatives, and innovators - including Zerocalcare, Ligabue, Tlon, Francesco Costa, Cathy La Torre, Mario Calabresi, Cecilia Sala, and many more. Stories, testimonies, reflections, and questions towards a common goal: understand, dialogue and, together, reach further and further.
OGR Talks | Tonight's the DayTonight's the Day sings the band Wilko, the day is tinged with black, and stars sprout in the midday sky: it is the eclipse that, cyclical, revolutionary, and mysterious accompanies the history of humankind symbolizing the overturning of everyday beliefs.
Contemporary and limitless, OGR Talks, is more than a schedule of events, more than a calendar of lectures. It is an invitation to open ourselves to new connections between systems and languages, seize the moment, the one in which light becomes dark and vice versa, the one in which the present takes shape.
A unique program curated by OGR Torino together with communicators, visionaries, and innovators from every field. Open and flexible towards a common goal: understand, dialogue and, together, reach farther and farther.